Greek - Intensive Course
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 150
ECTS credit: 10
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Inkret Andreja, prof. dr. Kavčič Jerneja
The course is meant to be an intense beginners' course in ancient Greek; no prior knowledge is assumed. The course content includes ancient Greek writing system, pronunciation, as well as gradually acquired knowledge of basic morphology, most frequently used syntactic compositions and basic vocabulary of ancient Greek.
From first lessons onwards, students improve and test their knowledge reading, linguistically analyzing and translating original short sentences and passages extending from Homer to late Antiquity, adapted and commentated according to students' needs.
In the 2nd semester, the course synoptically deals with essential morphological and syntactic characteristics of Classical Greek. When necessary, it takes into account also characteristics of other ancient Greek dialects, particularly features in which the latter differ from Classical Attic dialect.
The course will give special attention to essential differences that can be found between ancient Greek and Slovenian system of language, as well as to consequences of these differences which effect translating from ancient Greek into Slovenian.
Babič, M.: Grška slovnica, Ljubljana 2022, str. 1-5, 6-8, 15-37, 46-63, 73-145 COBISS.SI-ID - 117303299
Mihevc-Gabrovec, E.: Grščina, teksti in vaje za pouk grščine, Ljubljana 20045, str. 1-103 COBISS.SI-ID – 60700416
Bradač, F.: Grška slovnica, Ljubljana 1968, str. 1-124, 190-226
Dukat, Z.: Gramatika grčkoga jezika, Zagreb 1983, str. 5-22, 25-49, 90-122, 140-145, 175-180, 122-140, 159-175, 361-386
Stock, L.: Kurzgrammatik, Altgriechisch, München 2002, str. 5-108
Liddell, H. G. in R. Scott (ur.): Greek-English Lexicon: with a revised supplement. Oxford 1996, 2042 str.
Coderch, J.: Classical Greek: A New Grammar (Greek grammar taught and explained, with examples). St Andrews 2012 (350 strani).