Psychology of Social Power and Social Influence
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Marčič Renata, doc. dr. Lep Žan, Zaposleni/pogodbeni bodoči
Social influence and conformity:
Theoretical models and empirical findings about social influence and conformity; social comparison, normative and informational influence, (group) polarisation, minority influence, social identity and self-categorization, social power, action strategies, goal-oriented behaviour, suggestions and suggeestability, social innovation, persuazive communication.
The explanation of social motivation:
The importance of social motivation as the basis of social influence, explaining social motivation from various perspectives, social motivation and related constructs (interests, expectations, needs, desires).
Interpretation of selected social issues from the perspective of social influence, social power and social motivation
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