Reformulation on Sentence-and Text-Level
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Zwitter Vitez Ana, lekt. dr. Oven Jacqueline
Review of syntax means when reformulating (subordination, coordination – conjunctions/juxtaposition; participial, verbal, infinitive propositions; active, passive; summary, paraphrasing; connectors, etc.).
Reformulation of different types of texts: informational, newspaper, popular science work; stylistics marked/neutral text).
• Descotes-Genon Ch. et al: L'exercisier. Grenoble: PUG, 2010. 335 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 48626786
• B. Chovelon. M. Barthe: Expression et style. Grenoble: PUG, 2002. 152 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 512427295
• J. P. Colin: Dictionnaire des difficultés du français. Pariz: Robert, cop. 1994. 623 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 1462332