Organizational Psychology
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Bajec Boštjan, prof. dr. Boštjančič Eva, Zaposleni/pogodbeni bodoči
1. Team and teamwork
2. Power and leadership
3. Ethical management
4. Theories of leadership
5. Organizational climate, work commitment
6. Organizational culture
7. Psychological safety
8. Creativity in the workplace
9. Communication in the organization
10. Conflicts at the workplace
11. Organizational changes
12. Multicultural work environment
• Landy, F. J. in Conte, J. M. (2013). Psychology in the 21st century. An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. John Wiley & Sons. COBISS.SI-ID - 4507569
• Boštjančič, E., Potočnik, A. in Šavrič, K. (ur.) (2015). Organizacijska psihologija danes in jutri. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. COBISS.SI-ID - 281495808
• Drenth, P. J. D., Thierry, H. in de Wolff, C. J. (ur.) (1998). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (Second Edition) Volume 4: Organizational Psychology. Psychology Press. COBISS.SI-ID - 33892194