Sociology of European and Global Integrations
Lectures: 40
Seminars: 20
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 10
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Mandelc Damjan
- Historical overview of initiatives and ideas of European integrations; cultural, economic and political aspects.
Fundamental theoretical aspects of the integration: political theories (funcionalism, federalism, communication theory, neo-functionalism), economic theories (liberalism, institutionalism).
- Integration processes, regionalism and global society. Relation between the integration and unification.
- Genesis of the ideas of European integration from the perspective of its goals: securing peace, supranationality for the sake of collective security; integration as precondition for free trade and market, integration from the viewpoint of functionalism – institutional federalism, integration to keep the European influence.
- Integrationism in the European and world historical perspective; initiatives for integration in the 20. century; spheres of political, cultural and economic integration.
- causes and implicatios of globalization, global etics, international relations, democracy.
- Modern integration processes (the European Union. Council of Europe, ASEAN, NAFTA, African union, Mercosur, Celac etc..) and their relation to globalization.
- Bodies and institutions of the EU; politics of the European Union; European model of society; values and goals of the EU; Treaty for the establishment of the European Constitution, Slovenia and the EU.
- Challenges of sociology of Europe and sociology of the European Union; challenges of theoretizations of globalization.
Selected chapters from:
• Accetto, Matej (2006). Izgradnja Evrope. Od razvoja ideje Evrope do njene ustavne prihodnosti. Ljubljana: Uradni list RS. COBISS.SI-ID – 229212672
• Bebler, Anton (2007). Uvod v evropske integracije. Ljubljana: Uradni list RS. COBISS.SI-ID – 236241920
• Held, David, in McGrew, Andrew (ur., 2003) The Global Transformations – An introduction to the Globalization Debate. Oxford : Polity COBISS.SI-ID – 22446173.
• Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 2007. Globalization : the key concepts. Oxford (UK) ; New York : Berg. COBISS.SI-ID – 27045165
• Lechner, Frank J. (ur.), Boli, John (ur.) (2004). The Globalization Reader. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. COBISS.SI-ID – 891789.
• Martell, Luke (2010). The Sociology of Globalization. Oxford: Polity Press. COBISS.SI-ID – 64722433
• Richardson, Jeremy (ed.) (1996). European Union – power and policy-making. London/New York: Routledge. Imamo verzijo iz. COBISS.SI-ID – 17676637
• Rizman, Rudi (2014). Globalizacija i autonomija: doprinosi sociologiji globalizacije. Zagreb: Politička kultura. COBISS.SI-ID – 54563426
• Roche, Maurice (2010). Exploring the sociology of Europe. London: Sage publications. COBISS.SI-ID – 29007197.
• Siedentop, Larry (2003): Demokracija v Evropi. Ljubljana: Študentska založba. COBISS.SI-ID – 126403840
• Splichal, Slavko (2012) Globalizacija v dobro ali zlo? Ljubljana: SAZU. COBISS.SI-ID – 270317312
• Weiler, Joseph (2002): Ustava Evrope. ‘Ali nova oblačila imajo cesarja?’ in druge razprave o evropski integraciji. Ljubljana: Pravna fakulteta. COBISS.SI-ID – 117548032
* Note: Literature of the seminar work will be provided at the beginning of the academic year.