Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko

Sprememba GU Marjeta Vrbinc

Govorilne ure (obvezna predhodna najava):
torek, ob 12.00

V skladu s 121. členom Statuta UL študente obveščam, da je vpogled v pisni izpit možen na prvih govorilnih urah, razpisanih po datumu objave

prof. dr. Marjeta Vrbinc


Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Vojko Gorjanc

Department of German, Dutch and Swedish

Change of Office Hours Urška Valenčič Arh

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts

Call for papers

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts

Call for papers

Department of Slavistics

Change of Office Hours Tatjana Balažic Bulc