Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino

Zoom sestanek s študenti višjih letnikov 1. oktobra 2020

Radi bi vas spomnili, da je v četrtek, 1. 10. 2020, ob 13h sestanek s študenti 2. in 3. letnikov prve stopnje ter 1. in 2. letnikov druge stopnje, da predstavimo, kako bodo potekala predavanja v novem študijskem letu. Sestanek bo potekal po Zoomu, vse potrebne koordinate ste redno vpisani študenti dobili v svoje e-nabiralnike v ponedeljek, 28. 9.


Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Nike Kocijančič Pokorn

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Simon Kušar

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Martin Anton Grad

International Office, Faculty of Arts

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts will be closed from 1st August and 16th August.

International Office, Faculty of Arts

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts will be closed from 1st August and 16th August.