Thursday from 14:30 to 15:30 in office 431A
Asst. Prof. Dr. Timotej Prosen
Thursday from 14:30 to 15:30 in office 431A
Asst. Prof. Dr. Timotej Prosen
Wed 15:30h
Lector Dr. Alejandro Rodriguez Diaz del Real
Consultations in spring semester 2024-2025:
- MOnday 9.40-11.20
Asst. Prof. Dr. Boštjan Rogelj
Tuesday, 12.15 - 1.45 p.m. Please arrange by email.
Lector Mag. Andreja Drašler
OFFICE HOURS (SPRING SEMESTER) Every Wednesday between 4pm and 5pm.
Tch. Asst. Dr. Anamarija Šporčič
Thursday, 12:10–13:40
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrej Stopar
e-mail: or/and
Tch. Asst. Konstantina Tsiami
Monday 11:30 (prior notice)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Damjan Mandelc
Ricevimento studenti II semestre: martedi 15.30-16.20 (studio 402/IV) o su appuntamento. Indirizzo posta elettronica:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jana Kenda
Office hours in the spring semester 2024/25:
MONDAY from 11.30 to 13.00
Office hours are held in-person, or, by prior arrangement, online via Zoom at the link below:
Prof. Dr. Janez Skela
Tuesday, 13:45-14:30
Thursday, 13:00-13:45
Prof. Dr. Vojko Gorjanc
Asst. Prof. Dr. Vesna Lazović
Monday at 13:00; appointment via email.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Maja Malec
Winter semester: Wednesday, 9:40 AM
Summer semester: Tuesday, 11:20 AM
During the exam period by appointment.
Tch. Asst. Dr. Anja Mrak
Office hours:
MON: 11.20-12.05
WED: 8.50-9.35
Tch. Asst. Dr. Martin Anton Grad
2nd semester (room 402):
Mon, 14:40-15:25 or by appointment
Lector Tereza Hussu
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