Since 27 February 2025 - 5 June 2025: Thursday 8:30-10:30
Prof. Dr. Marko Krevs
Since 27 February 2025 - 5 June 2025: Thursday 8:30-10:30
Prof. Dr. Marko Krevs
SUMMER TERM (Room 221)
Tuesday, 13.00pm–14.30pm
Please contact me via email first.
Prof. Dr. Tatjana Resnik Planinc
Official hours in spring term:
Thursday, 10.30- 12.00.
Please, contact me in advance via e-mail.
Prof. Dr. Irma Potočnik Slavič
Summer semester 2024/2025: Wednesday, 9:00-10:30
Pre-arranged by email.
Prof. Dr. Katja Vintar Mally
Office hours:
- Wednesday: 13.15-13.45,
- Thursday, 11.20-12.20.
Prof. Dr. Ada Gruntar Jermol
Tuesday, 12:00-13:30 (first semester), 14:00-15:20 (second semester); please select your chosen time slot via
Asst. Prof. Dr. Luka Komidar
During the summer semester of 2024/25, office hours are from 9:45 to 10:30 am on Tuesdays. In addition, appointments can be made in person or via Zoom on any other day. In any case, it is essential that you make an appointment in advance via email.
Prof. Dr. Tanja Žigon
Tuesdays: 15.30-16.15 and 17.55-18.20
Prof. Dr. Jason Frederick Blake
A course in English for international exchange students and regular foreign students of the Faculty of Arts. The course provides an insight into the structure and organisation of the Central Humanities Library (CHL) of the Faculty of Arts and its 18 departmental libraries.…
Office hours in the spring term: Monday at 18:00 Please make an appointment by email.
Tch. Asst. Dr. Kristina Gregorčič
Summer semester – Tuesday 10.30 to 12.00
Ongoing changes (
Asst. Prof. Dr. Tajan Trobec
Summer semester:
Thursdays: 11.00 - 13.00 room 545, email to schedule an appointment
Exam period: no fixed times, email to schedule an appointment
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tanja Merčun Kariž
Spring semester: Tuesday, 1:50 pm -2:40 pm, room 435
Prof. Dr. Vojko Strahovnik
Office hours: Tuesday 12:00-13:00, Room 539 on the 5th Floor of the Faculty of Arts (Filozofska fakulteta).
Further informations:
Prof. Dr. Matjaž Barbo
My office hours in the summer term 2024/2025:
Monday, 9:40 to 10:25 a.m.
Tuesday, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
Another appointment can be made by prior arrangement by email.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adriana Mezeg
Winter Semester: Friday 10.30-11.30 (E-mail preannouncement obligatory)
Summer Semester: Friday 9.40-10.40 (E-mail preannouncement obligatory)
Prof. Dr. Peter Štih
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