Evolution of educational theories

Evolution of educational theories

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Vidmar Tadej

- Review of the development of major theoretical currents and paradigms in the development of educational thought.
- In-depth analysis of categorial apparatus of educational sciences.
- Presentation of selected current educational themes through historical context (e.g. youth and sexuality in educational ideas, relations between sexes in school, values in education etc.)
- Conceptual and political backgrounds of school reforms.
- Development of relation between the approach and content of education (e.g. Pietism, Herbartism, Reform movements, Geisteswissenchaftliche pedagogy, experimental pedagogy, social-critical pedagogy. Theoretical dilemmas connected with intentional and functional education …).